The ioGates File API

Create, retrieve, and manage files within ioGates, including setting file attributes, and managing comments, with detailed insights into authorization, file creation, and retrieval processes.

The ioGates File API offers a powerful suite of tools for managing files, from creation to retrieval, alongside managing file-specific comments. This API allows for detailed control over file attributes and provides a structured approach to file management within the ioGates ecosystem.

Create File

URL: /api/file

Method: POST

Request Headers

Authorisation: A Bearer token is required, which is obtained from the auth token API.

Authorisation: Bearer 123-BodrEJHrC43KejPcM0nzTl05gUMi3i8ruzGN

Response Body

The response body is a JSON-formatted representation of the file.

name Required. The name/title of the file. The file name may be a path, in which case the folders in the path will be created automatically if they are not already present. The path is relative to the root for the authorization token.
type Required. Use MIME type or the ioGates native types: movieaudioimage, or other.

Optional. List of objects containing a name and a value attribute.

[ { name: "Scene", value: 127 }, ... ]
parent Optional. Id of the folder to place the file.
size Optional. The size may be given to allow for size validation on ioGates.
md5 Optional. The MD5 hash of the file for validation.


    name: "My Title",// title
    type: "movie", // movie, audio, image, other
    size: 1234, // size in bytes
    attributes: [
       { name: "My Attribute", value: "Some Value"}
    md5: "2d53a2f20ffc76c89848b6a47c97d5d8"


    name: "My Title",// title
    type: "movie", // movie, audio, image, other
    attributes: [
       { name: "My Attribute", value: "Some Value"}
    id: 61463,
    parent: 61462,
    created: "2020-07-07T10:14:21+0200",
    description: null,
    editable: true,
    href: "",
    size: null,
    transfer_name: "My Title.",
    download: null,
    md5: null,
    Etag: 0,
    upload_filename: "56f06ba8311c2"

  • Upload filename is the name that must be used for uploading. This will trigger the logic to add the file to the created virtual file rather than as a new file.
  • Attributes are shown in the ioGates MetaData menu and on shares.

Get File

URL: /api/file/{id}

Method: GET


HTTP Status 200

    name: "My Title",
    type: "movie",
    attributes: [  
        { name: "My Attribute", value: "Some Value"}  
    id: 61463,
    parent: 61462,
    created: "2019-06-18T16:55:12+0200",
    description: null,
    editable: true,
    href: "https://app.iogates.localhost/api/file/61463",
    size: null,
    transfer_name: "My Title.mp4",
    download: "https://app.iogates.localhost/download-file/59537/0/0/1/0/351-YC20zxKNb7a5PoxtRjazw7A23TpfZ0Kd",
    md5: "2d53a2f20ffc76c89848b6a47c97d5d8",
    Etag: 1

Get File Comments

URL: /api/file/{id}/comments

Method: GET

Request Headers

Authorisation: A Bearer token is required, which is obtained from the auth token API.

Authorisation: Bearer 123-BodrEJHrC43KejPcM0nzTl05gUMi3i8ruzGN


HTTP Status 200


Object. Information about the source file.

timecode.source String. Source time code in the format "00:00:00:00" (Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames)
timecode.fps Float. Source frame rate
timecode.offset Integer. Offset in milliseconds. This can be used to translate from comment time code to source time code.
comments List of comments see Comment API for data format.
map An object mapping comment id's to comments list index.